What's new in my playlist? -are these awesome hipster music I really enjoyed listening. Thanks to pigeonsandplanes.com's list of 15 best hipster albums.
Modest Mouse is an American indie rock band formed in 1993 in Issaquah, Washington.
It's one beaming example of an indie band transitioning to a major label debut without sacrificing their creativity. Instead of cleaning up their sound and going for a more straightforward, antithetic rock album (which they've always seemed perfectly capable of doing), Modest Mouse took some weird turns, and kept those beloved unhinged vocals and jagged backdrops in tact.
The duo that made it okay to like "techno," Daft Punk had their breakthrough on 2001's Discovery (and, really, their 2006 tour and subsequent Alive), but everyone who knows anything knows that Homework is the one to love. It's a perfect marriage between dance music and organic instruments, combining house rhythms with funk bass, R&B vocals, and a ton of experimentation. It was the last album the French duo released before they became the superstar mystery duo we know Daft Punk as today, and if you pick "One More Time" over "Around The World" you're probably not very good at being a hipster.
When you're ranked as the No. 1 album of the '80s by Pitchfork, you know the hipsters love you. Sonic Youth has become an iconic symbol of cooler-than-you-without-even-trying, and with their fifth studio album, they made something that shaped much of what hipster culture was molded by. Not liking Sonic Youth in the indie/hipster world is like calling Illmatic overrated to a hip-hop head.
The Knife are hipster as fuck. Weird, fierce and unbowed, the Swedish sibling duo has done things entirely on their own terms with a trailblazing image backed up by some trailblazing music. Silent Shout is the best thing they've released to date; a powerhouse of an album condensed to a single point, punching through the divide between electronic and vocal music and creating a twisted lane all for itself. The tracks are dark and danceable, violent, and often frighteningly welcoming. It's pop music for the best kind of hipsters: adventurous, idiosyncratic, and not giving a fuck.
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